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  Interactive Plus previous slide Some exceptional ingredients may be added onto some components of the Interactive Tours adding spice to the excitement  
Interactive Plus  
Story Telling IP 010   Listening to stories while getting pampered during your Spiritual Journey, ref. IA010

Fishing IP 020   Catch your fish, prepare and enjoy your traditional dish forms part of your Cuisine interaction, ref. IA050
Film Making IP 030   Capturing the moment … everlasting memories, wherever you prefer to have a video shot of your interactive day
Bee Keeping IP 040   Hands on Beekeeping … get your hands on the honey. Practice the art of smoking the bees, retrieving and spinning out the honey
Horse riding IP 050   An unforgettable three days dream of a horse riding experience, remote from the big city, along never ending vineyards and olive groves, making your spirit free and boundless
Investigative Journalism IP 090   Satisfy your journalistic passion

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