Chapter 28 of Agenda 21, a United Nations comprehensive plan to achieve sustainable development, urges local authorities to embrace the implementation of Agenda 21 by drawing up, along with their communities, their own LA21 (Local Agenda) plans to strengthen their contribution to global sustainable development.
The Atlantis Mural was done as part of The Local Agenda 21 Self sustainable Community Festival.
Last year a big mural was done in Khayaletsa and this year Manenberg , Elsies River and Atlantis also indicated their interest.
The Mural in Atlantis
The City of Cape Town made available R2500-00
The main criteria was that it (the wall) had to be City property and secondly that the theme had to compliment the festival.
The West Coast Environmental Co-operative spearheaded the project and identified a wall in the poorest community in Atlantis namely Mountview. After consulting with the Mountview Integrated Forum the local organizing body of the suburb were keen to join in. This would make sure that the residents took ownership of the project and the results.
Atlantis Mural:
Before and After
Two unemployed persons were employed to prepare the wall witch was in a bad condition and had to be plastered in some areas. This preparation took two days.
The artists were ten learners from the area from Saxonsea Secondary School where art is one of their subjects. This was under supervision of teacher Mr. Sacks who did the pencil layout as put together by project coordinator Melvyn Miles of the West Coast Environmental Co-operative.
The Theme “Atlantis for Sustainable Tourism” is reflecting on the fact that Atlantis has just been listed on the CAPE CARE Route as a tourism destination.
Big thanks to all involved:
City of Cape Town (Funding)
West Coast Environmental Co-operative (Implementer)
Mountview Integrated Forum
Saxonsea Secondary School (Artists)
Mr. Sacks (Supervisor)
Sydney Beukes and Chris (Preparation of wall and painting of structure)
Melvyn Miles (Project Coordinator)
PO Box 3001, Reygersdal, 7352 Atlantis, South Africa Tel / Fax: +27 (0)21 572-0272